We provide complete solid and hazardous waste management services for a wide range of industries.
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Solutions
Solid Waste Management Services:
Solid Waste Characterization and Profiling
Solid Waste Generation and Composition Studies
Solid Waste and Recycling Audits
Solid Waste Processing, Recycling, and Disposal Facility Permitting
Recycling and Compost Program Development
Beneficial Waste and Legitimate Use Determinations
Landfill Groundwater and Landfill Gas Monitoring / Corrective Action
Landfill Design / Siting Support
Landfill Operation & Maintenance
Landfill Reuse Evaluation and Post-Closure Use
Hazardous Waste Management Services:
Hazardous Waste Characterization and Profiling
Hazardous Waste Reporting, Inspections, and Plans
Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance
RCRA Permitting / Corrective Action / Closure
Hazardous Secondary Materials and Exemptions
PFAS, PFOA, PFOS Sampling, Investigation, and Cleanup
Superfund RI/FS, RD/RA Project Coordination / Construction Management / Operation & Maintenance
Superfund Cost Allocation
Superfund Risk Assessment and Conceptual Site Model
Superfund Reuse Evaluation
Chemical Waste Storage
Typical chemical storage area
Environmental Support for Siting, Permitting, and Operation of Landfills
KERAMIDA provides permitting services related to the construction and operation of restricted waste, solid waste processing facilities, transfer stations and disposal facilities.
Sanitary Landfill Corrective Action
KERAMIDA designed and negotiated with the state agency and implemented corrective action for a sanitary landfill to address off-site contamination.
Solid Waste Landfills - Closure/Post-Closure Plans
KERAMIDA has prepared numerous closure and post-closure plans for solid waste landfills and industrial special waste disposal sites for submittal to the state environmental agency in compliance with state rules.
KERAMIDA assisted a cement manufacturing facility in obtaining a restricted waste landfill permit for cement kiln dust disposal in an area with karst geological features. The permit included negotiation of special groundwater monitoring requirements utilizing dye trace studies and a spring monitoring system. The spring monitoring system has been in place since 2000 and KERAMIDA performs all operation and maintenance of the system.
We have also provided all environmental technical support services for the Tippecanoe Sanitary Landfill (TSL) since 2000. IDEM contracts with KERAMIDA to conduct operation and maintenance services, as well as other technical services, for solid and hazardous waste sites across the state. We also provide operational services for private and municipal owned sites throughout Indiana and other states.
Highlighted Waste Management & Disposal Experience:
City of Indianapolis, Department of Public Works - KERAMIDA developed handling and management procedures consistent with requirements of ISO 14001 EMS. The procedures developed for waste management were one element of the larger scope of work for EMS development. The procedures were implemented and followed.
Indiana Department of Administration - KERAMIDA performed characterization, classification, packaging, and disposal. The agencies and offices included hospitals, printers, laboratories, photolabs, maintenance and support operations. KERAMIDA has an ongoing contract to assist all agencies with waste management and disposal needs.
Indianapolis Department of Transportation - KERAMIDA provided turnkey services for development of closure plan, sampling, waste disposal and closure certification.
Indiana Department of Corrections - KERAMIDA provided hazardous waste management for the unit closure. Key negotiations were conducted to limit the contaminants of concern.
Autoparts Manufacturer - KERAMIDA performed equipment cleaning and decommissioning, characterization, classification, and disposal. Over 1 million gallons of various waste waters, chemicals, and sludges were disposed.
Automotive Castings Manufacturer (Foundry) - KERAMIDA provided complete non-hazardous waste classification and agency approval, and assisted with agency inspections. Recommendations for waste segregation were implemented that resulted in streamlined waste management. The agency inspection was completed with no deficiencies cited.
E-A-R Specialty Composites (Plastics Manufacturer) - KERAMIDA developed management plans, characterization, and completion of reports. There were also special considerations for incineration of non-hazardous general waste. KERAMIDA has an ongoing contract for regulatory assistance and vendor auditing.
Elan Pharmaceuticals - KERAMIDA established compliance with 40 CFR Subpart AA, BB, CC. KERAMIDA completed integrity testing, leak testing, and the associated documentation.
Simon Management Group (Retail Facilities) - KERAMIDA provides ongoing classification and disposal services for this client. PCB ballasts, capacitors, and fluorescent bulbs are managed, and all tasks are completed on time.
Back 2 Basics (Reprocessor of Municipal Waste) - KERAMIDA facilitated the acquisition of permits for several facilities, to allow application of processed municipal waste to agricultural land.
Indiana-American Water Services (Water Utility) - KERAMIDA provided classification and completed waste disposal of water treatment chemicals.
Rochester Metal Products (Foundry) - KERAMIDA completed a hazardous waste contingency plan and training. The plan was implemented.
City of Garrett (Vacated Manufacturing Plant) - KERAMIDA was hired to provide waste sampling, classification, packaging, and disposal. Waste sampling of a large number of containerized and bulk unknown wastes was completed, and disposal requirements were established.
Highlighted Solid Waste Management Experience:
State Hazardous Waste Siting Authority Permit
KERAMIDA was retained by the Authority to review a major application for a hazardous waste landfill construction and educate the Authority on the issues and their merits. Issues included adequacy of technical landfill design, hydrogeological considerations, air emission concerns, noise, traffic, and waste generation/need for the facility considerations. KERAMIDA conducted training sessions for the Authority, reviewed the eight-volume application and prepared a written report on its merits, participated in all public meetings held by the Authority and provided technical support to the Authority during its three-day deliberations for permit approval.
Landfill Groundwater Monitoring
KERAMIDA performed comprehensive compliance groundwater monitoring and statistical evaluation of data for several municipal and industrial landfills. An example is the Madison County Landfill, where KERAMIDA conducts semi-annual groundwater sampling and statistical analysis which includes: the collection and analysis of groundwater samples from 14 monitoring wells that range from 2-inch to 4-inch in diameter; field measurements of specific conductance, pH and temperature, static water level and total well depth; and the statistical analysis of the groundwater quality data using EPA’s GRITs statistical software package. As part of KERAMIDA’s contract, quarterly methane monitoring was also conducted at this facility. The methane monitoring program included checking methane levels using a Digiflame methane monitor, total volatile organic levels using a photoionization detector and LEL levels using a Gastech monitor.
Old Solid Waste Landfill Closure Certification, performed for Military Department of Indiana
KERAMIDA reviewed closure activities that had taken place at the site over several years. Due to the age of the landfill and the time that had elapsed since its closure, it was necessary to negotiate the closure specifications with the IDEM’s Solid Waste Engineering Section. KERAMIDA performed geotechnical and topographical surveys to assess compliance with the closure requirements. Recommendations were provided regarding added cover material, site grading, security, and financial assurance. A Closure Certification document with a Professional Engineer’s seal was completed after all closure requirements were met.
Industrial Solid Waste Disposal
KERAMIDA provided strategy assistance and support in negotiations with the regulatory agency in setting guidelines for disposal sites for cement kiln dust.
Monofill Permit Application
KERAMIDA prepared a permit application for a cement kiln dust monofill and assisted the client with its negotiations with IDEM. The permit application included elements of geological exploration due to Karst terrain.
Aquifer Of Significance Evaluation For Municipal Landfill
KERAMIDA evaluated data of hydraulic conductivity, performed statistical evaluations, assessed the significance of information generated through equations versus information obtained by slug tests and successfully presented to the state agency the conclusion that the aquifer was not an aquifer of significance, for purposes of compliance with regulatory requirements.
Solid Waste Disposal Fee Evaluation
KERAMIDA evaluated the fee structure and justification and reviewed the technical documents provided in support of the fee by a solid waste disposal vendor to a solid waste commission.
Air Modeling Of Emissions From Municipal Landfill
KERAMIDA performed comprehensive ambient air modeling for projected emissions during the active life and post-closure life of a major new municipal landfill, in order to determine permit requirements.
Sanitary Landfill Expansion Design And Permitting for Numerous Indiana Sites
KERAMIDA prepared and submitted a permit application to the state agency; negotiated with the state agency; performed landfill expansion investigations and design; monitored well installation. Work culminated in the successful issuance of a landfill permit.
Coal Ash And Construction-Demolition Waste Landfill for Major University, Indiana
KERAMIDA prepared and submitted a permit application; provided landfill design, geological exploration program; represented the University in negotiations with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Work culminated in the successful issuance of a landfill permit.
Foundry Sand Management Plan
KERAMIDA conducted a comprehensive evaluation of, and prepared report for, management alternatives for foundry sand.
Slag Assessment
KERAMIDA performed an assessment of conditions and feasibility for slag reuse in construction sites.
Foundry Sand Reuse
KERAMIDA performed an assessment of options for foundry sand disposal and reuse.
Slag And Foundry Sand
KERAMIDA assisted a foundry in the evaluation of restricted waste disposal options.
Industrial Waste Management Plan
KERAMIDA conducted a comprehensive evaluation of, and prepared report for, management alternatives for by-products of cement production for a major cement manufacturer, and evaluated the feasibility of disposal sites.
Incinerator Permit For Major University, Indiana
KERAMIDA prepared and submitted construction and operation permit applications for the incinerator of animal carcasses, resulting in the successful issuance of permits.
Waste-To-Energy Incinerator Ash
KERAMIDA performed an evaluation of ash characteristics; regulatory negotiations and lobbying for waste classification; ash monofill disposal and environmental impact evaluation.
Solid Waste Landfill Valuation
KERAMIDA evaluated costs and revenues of a municipal landfill used for the facility’s valuation in anticipation of litigation.
What our Waste Management clients are saying:
“Thanks again first and foremost for all your good work as the technical wagon master on this most troublesome and often aggravating project but also for saving us many tortured conversations about waste management. We sang your praises in unison.”
“Thank you for taking such good care of us. It is a pleasure with you!”
“I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all the help you have done on getting the flare up and running efficiently and smoothly. The new person from Ohio EPA is in contact with me frequently so when I can report that all probes are 0% methane everyone is happy. I am glad that you know the system so well and know how to make adjustments. Keep up the good work.”
“Your service has been excellent. It has been a pleasure working with you. Everyone has been responsive to my needs and (they) understand what my goals are. ”
“Type IV is great! Thank you so much for your continued help on these projects! Great Job! ”
“I was very satisfied with the communication and performance of KERAMIDA. Your project manager was good at keeping me informed on the progress of the project. I will choose KERAMIDA again and recommend them to others.”