Vicky Keramida Awarded as Outstanding Educator at Purdue University

This past November, Dr. Vicky Keramida was instrumental in helping the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University to develop the Senior Design Course for the Spring 2016 Semester. The outcome of the course was a Conceptual Design for Tippecanoe Sanitary Landfill (TSL) Superfund Site's Reuse, a Superfund site that KERAMIDA has managed since the 1990's. This course was the first time a multifaceted Superfund Reuse Planning Study was the subject of a University Senior Design Course. 

In recognition of Dr. Keramida's time, effort, and commitment, Professor Robert Jacko and the Senior Design students presented Vicky with plaque for being an outstanding educator. Dr. Keramida's passion, leadership, and knowledge of the TSL site were conducive to these Design students becoming highly efficient and effective in their final project submittal packets. Dr. Keramida's adept ability to influence these students and assist their creativity is where her true leadership skills and determination manifested. In addition to the plaque, the students gratefully signed a “thank you” card to further express their appreciation. 


Professor Robert Jacko with Dr. Vicky Keramida

Learn more about KERAMIDA's work for the TSL Superfund Site: