Stormwater Team Assists Metals Industry Clients with Annual Reports


KERAMIDA congratulates our Stormwater team for their efforts in assisting all 47 Metals Industry Storm Water Group Members to get their Annual Reports submitted and certified by the deadline, which by rule is July 15 of every year. Our team also assisted 11 private clients to submit and certify their Annual Reports.

This significant accomplishment required a great deal of planning, communication, logistics, technical and regulatory knowledge, as well as direct encouragement, guidance and support for many of the clients. Our team reviewed the SWPPPS and the past year of activities for all clients to ensure that the report's questions were all answered accurately. This required considerable communication and direct assistance to various individuals, which was tailored to meet the needs of each client.

We commend our entire team including, Jodie Crandell, Ron Hayes, Kelly Hansen, Lauren Wallace, and especially Annum Tariq, who was the lead technical person in this effort.