Phase II Investigation & Remedial Action Plan for Lick Run


Hamilton County will receive $1.24 million to conduct infrastructure, demolition, and remediation activities at the Lick Run - South Fairmount Neighborhood property, located at 2121 State Avenue in the City of Cincinnati. Upon remediation, the property will become a storm water demonstration site with a bioretention and filtration feature as the major green infrastructure component. The site will also feature the reuse of existing historic light poles as part of a public art display. The funds will be used to install infrastructure, remediate impacted soils, remove asbestos and universal waste, and demolish the existing buildings. (description via Ohio Redevelopment Projects - ODSA)

Project Details:

KERAMIDA Inc. completed a VAP Phase II Assessment (Phase II) of 15 City of Cincinnati-owned parcels in the portion of the Lick Run - South Fairmount Neighborhood project located between Beekman Street and Mill Creek and between Queen City Avenue and Harrison Avenue in Cincinnati, Ohio. Phase II activities included push-probe drilling, well installation, groundwater sampling, and asbestos sampling. Based on the findings of the Phase II investigation, KERAMIDA prepared a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the Site. A risk assessment, prepared for a future recreational scenario, was used to establish cleanup levels for future development.

Photos: “Hamilton County-Lick Run - South Fairmount Neighborhood (COAF)” by the Ohio Office of Redevelopment, via Flickr.

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