Phase II Assessment of Hexion Specialty Chemicals

The Village of Woodlawn received $1,043,903 to conduct demolition and remediation activities at the former Hexion Specialty Chemicals property, located at 630 Glendale Milford Road. Development partner Garrett Wood, LLC plans to redevelop the property for commercial, retail, and institutional uses. The funds will be used to remove asbestos, remediate groundwater, and demolish existing buildings. (description via Ohio Redevelopment Projects - ODSA)
Project Details:
KERAMIDA completed a VAP Phase II Assessment of the former Hexion Specialty Chemicals facility located at Woodlawn, Hamilton County, Ohio. The work was performed to determine the environmental condition of the Property in accordance with the Ohio EPA VAP. The Property is located in a primarily commercial/light industrial area, and consists of two parcels of land totaling 14 acres.
To evaluate potential contaminants of concern, a push-probe investigation was performed across the Property and a hollow-stem auger rig was used to install VAP-compliant monitoring wells in strategic locations. In general, the borings were advanced to refusal to obtain soil stratigraphy, determine the appropriate screened interval for wells, and determine the depth to bedrock. Groundwater samples were taken from the installed wells. KERAMIDA also conducted asbestos sampling and PCB chip sampling at the site. Site geologic, hydrogeologic and physical characteristics were analyzed. The Phase II report also researched Ohio DNR Division of Water Groundwater Resources Section well log repository and classified the groundwater on the property. Lastly, the findings on soil, groundwater, and PCB chip samples were outlined in the report. The Property was subsequently carried through the NFA process and received a Covenant Not to Sue from Ohio EPA.
Photos: “Woodlawn-Former Hexion Specialty Chemicals (CORF)” by the Ohio Office of Redevelopment, via Flickr.
Related Services:
KERAMIDA is a trusted provider of testing and remediation management services for asbestos, mold, and lead. Our team has extensive experience with mold inspections, mold testing and removal management, indoor air quality sampling and monitoring, asbestos inspections and removal oversight, lead testing and abatement.
KERAMIDA's environmental engineering and remediation services are led by an experienced team of professionals with a wide range of expertise from Superfund Site cleanup to ERD remediation for TCE & PCE impacted sites. Our groundwater and soil remediation solutions for contaminated sites are creative and cost-effective.