Phase I Property Assessment of Dayton Electroplate Property

Project Details:
KERAMIDA performed a Voluntary Action Program (VAP) Phase I Property Assessment of a Property in the Village of Woodlawn consisting of two (2) parcels of land totaling to approximately 6.932 acres. The Property contained a vacant 66,000 ft² manufacturing facility built in 1955. The facility was most recently used to manufacture metal building panels and trims as well as provided accessories for the post frame residential and light commercial markets. Prior to that, it operated as a precision metal fabricating, welding, painting, anodizing, polishing, electroplating, and plating facility.
Full, partially full, and empty drums were observed throughout the building. The drums were labeled or marked as containing oils, corrosives, lacquer thinners, and ignitables. Multiple cabinets were also observed in the facility containing pails and cans of paint, thinner, and waste oil. Five-gallon containers were also observed throughout the building containing petroleum products and potentially hazardous materials. A pile of insulation, debris, and white powder residue was observed along the eastern wall of the building near the dust collector. Several empty vertical ASTs were located among pallets north of the building. The floor of what appeared to be a former paint room in the southern portion of the facility was similarly flooded. A grated pit located in the northern portion of the building was full of an unknown liquid. One (1) pole-mounted transformer was observed to the west of the building adjacent to the parking lot and one (1) pole-mounted transformer was observed inside the building in the drum storage area. Based on the Phase I record review and inspection, eight (8) VAP Identified Areas (IAs) were reported for the property. A Phase II Assessment was recommended.
Photos: “Dayton-Former Dayton Electro Plate (COAF)” by the Ohio Office of Redevelopment, via Flickr.
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KERAMIDA is full-service environmental consulting firm with decades of Due Diligence experience performing Phase I & Phase II environmental site assessments and remediation services. Minimize risk and protect yourself from liability in any commercial real estate transaction where potential environmental risks are a concern.
KERAMIDA's environmental engineering and remediation services are led by an experienced team of professionals with a wide range of expertise from Superfund Site cleanup to ERD remediation for TCE & PCE impacted sites. Our groundwater and soil remediation solutions for contaminated sites are creative and cost-effective.