Environmental Assessment of Kirby Tire Site

The Wyandot County Board of Commissioners was awarded a Clean Ohio Assistance Fund grant for a Phase II Environmental Assessment of the Kirby Tire Site Redevelopment Project property. Originally used as a farm, Kirby Tire Recycling converted the property to commercial use in the 1950s. The property will be developed into a solar energy generation facility upon completion of any necessary remediation. (description via Ohio Redevelopment Projects - ODSA)
Project Details:
KERAMIDA completed a VAP Phase I and Phase II for the former Kirby Tire property located at 3137 State Route 231 Sycamore, Ohio 44882. The KERAMIDA Certified Professional determined that there were 6 Identified Areas on this 131-acre property. During the Phase II, A total of 46 soil borings were advanced at the Site and 5 borings were converted to VAP-compliant permanent monitoring wells. Surface and subsurface soil samples were collected from each Identified Area. A total of 5 VAP-compliant shallow monitoring wells were installed by KERAMIDA. In addition 8 existing shallow and 2 existing bedrock aquifer OEPA monitoring wells were sampled. Groundwater samples were collected from a total of 13 shallow monitoring wells and two bedrock aquifer monitoring wells across the Site. On-Site background soil samples were also obtained to determine background threshold values of metals in Sites regional glacial till soil. Concrete/debris and building material samples were collected for PCB and asbestos analysis, and both on-site surface water and sediment samples were analyzed for the presently remaining Site surface waters. KERAMIDA submitted an NFA letter on behalf of the client in 2012, requesting residential closure. The client was issued a Covenant Not to Sue in March of 2013.
Photos: “Sycamore-Kirby Tire Site (COAF)” by the Ohio Office of Redevelopment, via Flickr.
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KERAMIDA is full-service environmental consulting firm with decades of Due Diligence experience performing Phase I & Phase II environmental site assessments and remediation services. Minimize risk and protect yourself from liability in any commercial real estate transaction where potential environmental risks are a concern.
KERAMIDA's environmental engineering and remediation services are led by an experienced team of professionals with a wide range of expertise from Superfund Site cleanup to ERD remediation for TCE & PCE impacted sites. Our groundwater and soil remediation solutions for contaminated sites are creative and cost-effective.