Climate Transition Plan for Global Marine Transportation Company

Objective: Move Toward Net Zero Target

Project Details:

KERAMIDA was tasked with creating a Climate Transition Plan for one of the largest and most diversified marine transportation companies in the U.S. The Climate Transition Plan sets out a range of actions designed to deliver an emissions reduction pathway consistent with the net-zero ambition of the Blue-Sky Maritime Coalition.

For at least the next decade, the focus of the decarbonizing targets is emissions reduction through:

  • Multi-faceted fuel management

  • Introduction of vessel emission reduction technology

  • Hybrid vessel configuration

  • Renewable and alternative energy technology

Longer-term efforts include both operational and value-chain decarbonization operations.

KERAMIDA evaluated short- and long-term GHG reduction opportunities and provided guidance on the feasibility and scalability of reducing the Client’s GHG emissions based on low-carbon initiatives through industry research and alignment with the Client’s strategic plan. The Client is in the process of finalizing its target and is aiming for a net zero target.

KERAMIDA’s Sustainability Team also provided the Client with EcoVadis assistance, including preparation and rating improvement.

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