Air Permitting Services for Magnetation Inc.
Magnetation Pellet Plant in Reynolds, INdiana (Photo: John Terhune/Journal & Courier)
Project Details:
KERAMIDA assisted Magnetation Inc. to obtain a Major New Source Review (NSR) Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Title V air construction and operating permit and a PSD Major Source/Major Permit Modification for its iron ore pellet plant in Reynolds, Indiana.
KERAMIDA's air permitting services included:
completion of an emission inventory for the entire facility
preparation of permit application forms required by the state agency
air modeling
regulatory applicability determinations
providing strategic advice on the permit process
interfacing with the regulatory agencies in order to ensure the permits were reviewed on a timely basis and permit conditions were appropriately established
providing support during public hearings
review of draft permits and preparation of comments to the regulatory agencies
Additional assistance provided by KERAMIDA included:
oversight and assistance with stack testing
review of regulatory reports
preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)
Industrial Hygiene Sampling
Related Services:
KERAMIDA provides air quality management services to clients worldwide. Our air quality professionals have over 25 years of experience with air permitting, compliance, reporting, coke-oven inspections, construction permits, emission inventories and reduction strategies, stack testing, air quality modeling, and more.
KERAMIDA is a leading health and safety services firm with decades of EHS experience. We help companies manage risk, assure OSHA compliance, and improve health & safety performance. We are experts in silica exposure, H&S program development, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety MS, audits, and training.