The California Metals Coalition (CMC) is a statewide trade association with members representing nearly all sectors of California’s metalworking industry. We meet regionally every quarter in a roundtable setting to exchange information on the most important issues currently impacting California’s metals industry. The roundtable sessions are concise, direct and valuable to all attendees.
KERAMIDA is a sponsor of this event.
October 26th Roundtable Topics Include:
AB 617: CARB’s selection of Northern California cities for statewide community air monitoring.
1 nanogram fight...why your metal facility can be judged on fugitive air emissions at 1 nanogram.
SCAQMD metal rules update (grinding, melting, welding, cutting, heat treating and other processes).
Storm water permits, lawsuits, and new TMDL regulations for all California metal facilities.
November 6, 2018 Election: What local and statewide races will impact the metalworking industry?
Prop 65: Understand more about the new requirements and your potential legal liability.
CMC Defense Fund Discussion: Fundraising and assessments to respond to local air district issues.
Ron Hayes, Vice President, KERAMIDA Inc.
Event Photo:
James Simonelli, CMC's Executive Director, spoke to around 50 members of the metals industry on hexavalent chromium using KERAMIDA's nanogram explanation.