The EHS conference will include the latest updates on important EHS issues facing the metalcasting industry. Areas covered will be Washington legislative and regulatory issues, air, water, waste issues and regulations, OSHA compliance and hot issues, worker safety and health.
KERAMIDA is a sponsor of this event, and will have a booth.
Vicky Keramida, Ph.D., CEO and Chief Technical Officer, KERAMIDA Inc.
Jim Schifo, P.E., Vice President, Industrial Services, KERAMIDA Inc.
Mack Overton, Vice President, EHS Compliance Services, KERAMIDA Inc.
Kristen Belcredi, P.E., C.H.M.M., ISO Auditor, Senior Vice President, Engineering Services, KERAMIDA Inc.
Kathy Moore, Vice President, Air Services, KERAMIDA Inc.
Jodie Crandell, QEP, QISP, TOR, Senior Project Manager, KERAMIDA Inc.
Trent Blake, ASP, Director of Security, Health & Safety Services, KERAMIDA Inc.
Fred Kohloff, CSHM, Senior Health & Safety Specialist, KERAMIDA Inc.