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Employee Spotlight: Martina Macaggi

Martina Macaggi
Staff Engineer

What is your current role and how long have you been with KERAMIDA?

I am a staff engineer, splitting my time between our Compliance team and our Sustainability team. I started working full-time at KERAMIDA around 3 months ago in January after interning with the Compliance team last summer!

What do you love about this line of work?

I love the fact that on any given day, I can finish the workday and know that I have made a positive impact on the global environment.

What continues to drive your passion for sustainability?

I am continuously driven by our clients’ desire to be more sustainable, and how hard KERAMIDA employees work to make that happen.

What do you think it will take for the world to address the current environmental issues?

For the world to address current environmental issues, I think it will take a collective effort from everyone across the world, working together as a team towards the same goal. It will also require global and local leaders to step up and lead the charge, but small, everyday actions from the average person will go a long way too. For example, imagine how much less water we would use if everyone in the country decreased their daily shower time by two minutes!

What do you believe is the most important or meaningful element of your job?

I think the most meaningful element of my job is how collaborative everyone I work with is. I know that when I am struggling with a certain task, I can ask one of my team members for advice or help. Everyone is working together to achieve the common KERAMIDA goal of helping our clients reach their goals!

What are some of your favorite hobbies outside of work?

Outside of work, I really like to stay active by bouldering, playing soccer, or going on a long walk outside if the weather is nice! I also enjoy crocheting and reading.

What is your superpower?

My superpower is being able to easily empathize with others. Whenever I am in a social group situation, I can ascertain whether someone is feeling left out or uncomfortable, and quickly remedy the situation. I think that this helps me understand our clients better as well.